Impact of fast foods on health and body


Nowadays half of your budget is spending on restaurants. People prefer fast foods as much as compared to healthy foods. Fast foods have much negative impact on human health. An unhealthy diet like Pizza, cheeseburgers, soda is rich in calories and saturated fats but low nutrients are not good for health and cause illness and obesity. Fast food does not provide enough nutrients to your body.

There are many impacts of using fast foods on your health and body. 

v Effects on the digestive and cardiovascular system:

Fast foods are high in carbohydrates but there is no small amount of fiber. These carbohydrates released carbs and sugar when this food breakthrough your digestive system may cause to increase in your blood sugar. Then your pancreas releasing insulin telling that your sugar level is increased. After that insulin transfers sugar to cells of your body and your body stores sugar and then your sugar level return to normal. Sometimes insulin spikes and the risk of type 2 diabetes, weight gain and insulin resistance increases.  

v Obesity:


Unhealthy food is the main cause of obesity and overweight. According to the world health organization, approximately one billion people are overweight all over the world. And the main cause of overweight is unhealthy food that is full of saturated fats, calories and sugar. If these people eat healthy food which is high nutrients, less with sugar like, fruits, vegetables, whole grains extra they can reduce the risk of obesity and overweight.

v Illness:

An unhealthy diet is a major factor of illness, many heart diseases, cancer, diabetes etc. Many of the Americans died due to an unhealthy diet which is low in nutrients and overweight. Your arteries are blocked due to high-fat foods that are the cause of heart diseases. Similarly, food high in sugar is a big cause of type 2 diabetes. Vitamin A and C deficiency crush your immune system and produce many viruses. Similarly, the lake of calcium weakens your bones.

v Nutrients Deficiency:

      Unhealthy food gives you energy but there is no nutrient in it which is the cause of nutrients deficiency. Unhealthy food is rich in calories but low in vitamins, iron, and minerals. Many people are overweight due to the bad choice of food. Unhealthy food is low in antioxidants and vitamins that boost your immune system and prevent you from many diseases. Food rich in iron helps to reduce the risk of anemia develops.   

v  Effects on the respiratory system:

Fast foods affect your respiratory system because fast foods are rich in calories that cause obesity. Obesity does not only increase the risk of breath shorten but also the risk of asthma and respiratory system. Extra pounds present in fast foods put pressure on your lungs and heart and you feel difficulty in breathing when you do a small physical activity like, climbing.

v Headache:

Many fast foods that you eat are filled with sodium and may cause headaches. After consuming sweets and carbs some people suffer from a headache so fast foods are the major cause of headache. Fast foods high in sugar and carbs increase your blood sugar level and cholesterol and also cause heart diseases.

v Depression:

Fast foods are also a cause of depression. When you eat too many fast foods rich in carbs, calories, sugar, extra the risk of depression also increase. 

v Acne:

Many fast foods like carbs may trigger acne. Carbs are heavy foods like potato chips, hamburgers, buns; French fries are causes of acne breakouts.

v Dental Distress:


Sugar and carb are fast foods and very dangerous for your dental health because they produce acid that is the big cause of your dental cavity. 

v  Heart Disease or Stoke:

Too much use of fast foods increases your cholesterol level and blood pressure that increase the two major risk stroke and heart disease.

v  Shortness of breath:

Fast foods are rich in extra calories. These extra calories convert into the excess pound and may cause obesity. Obesity is a big cause of wheezing and shortness of breath. After that when you take a small physical activity your breath may shorten. 

v Extra calories:

People who prefer fast foods in restaurants are consuming approximately 187 to 190 calories in a day as compared to people who eat healthy foods instead of fast foods.

v Weight Gain:


When you eat fast foods your think you are eating healthy food. Actually, at the time you are consuming too many calories which are the main cause of gaining weight.

